These two cuties just recently opened their eyes and are starting to get around. They are held multiple times a day and respond to voice. The seal mitted with a blaze - the bottom picture - comes waddling first every time and wants to be picked up. I believe both are males, but will know for sure once they get older. The seal bicolor is bigger and fatter, slower to move and will already give you kisses when picked up; loves to snuggle up by your neck. They are TICA registered from quadruple grand champion bloodlines, but just asking pet quality prices. Both parents are HCM double negative, PKD negative,and babies are checked for FIP before going home. We pride ourselves on raising the healthiest, well adjusted kittens we can. All kittens have their initial set of vaccinations, stool testing, de-worming, and a health certificate from their vet. If you are not quite ready, or looking for a kitten to go home at Christmas, we have Tinkerbell due the end of September so they will go home the week of Christmas. First pick of her litter has already been reserved, but we are taking 2 more deposits to ensure you get one for Christmas. Reach out any time.